Sonlight Core A (Week 18)


Bible Memory Verse:

Parker listened to his Sing the Word “Letter R” verse and traced his worksheet from our N-T Bible Verse Tracer Pages.  Later we cut his tracer apart like a puzzle.  He pieced it together and glued it in his Bible Lapbook.


World War I & Remembrance Day Craft:

Since both Haley and the boys were learning about WWI, I decided to do a Remembrance Day activity with a poppy craft.

We learned about WWI this week and we mapped out the countries involved.


We watched several videos about Remembrance Day on our Sonlight Core A playlist.

Since both Haley and the boys were learning about WWI, I decided to do a Remembrance Day activity with a poppy craft.


I set out red construction paper, green pipe cleaners, black and yellow buttons, and a poppy-shaped poem template for each kid.

We watched a few videos about Remembrance Day from our Sonlight Core A playlist.

Then the kids sat around the table and worked on their craft.

The older kids also learned how to draw poppies following an Art Hub tutorial on our Core A playlist.


We didn’t have a new letter of the week, so we spent time doing extra reading, spelling, and letter review.

Reading – Word & Picture Match:

I brought out our Blue Reading Montessori cards (The Helpful Garden).

Parker matched the word cards with the picture cards.


Screen Shot 2018-01-15 at 10.13.20 PMI created a Polar Bear Ice Fishing themed Build-a-Word pack for Parker to work on.

First he built simple short “O” words with all the consonant letters he’s learned so far.

Next he made words with consonant blends.

Later in the week he built his own words using the letter tiles.

He started making four letter words.

And came up with a whopper, “shrimp” which TOTALLY shocked me!!!  Great job Parks!


I haven’t posted ANY science lessons lately, because I was missing our How Flowers Grow book and had to reorder it.  Now that we have it, we’re catching up a little at a time.

Labeling a Poppy:

We brought out the poppies we made during our Remembrance Day craft.  I made “roots”, “stem”, “leaves”, and “petal” labels and gave them to the boys.

They took turns labeling their poppies.  We also went over which part of the plant keeps the flower upright, which part anchors the plant in place, etc.


This week we caught up on our laundry skills, sorting and folding.


First, we dumped our laundry loads into one HUGE pile and Parker jumped into it like it was a pile of leaves!

img_8133Next, we sorted the laundry into everyone’s basket and started with our first lesson, matching and folding socks!

That’s it for week 19, but we’re looking forward to week 20!


2 thoughts on “Sonlight Core A (Week 18)

  1. Great job on the word creations, Parker! Love the expression of his face with discovering “Shrimp!”

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