Korea – The Kite Fighters (Sonlight Core F)

The Kite Fighters Is one of Haley’s readers this year.  I thought it would be fun for her to design her own kite.

In the Breeze White 30 Inch Diamond Kite - Single Line - Ripstop Fabric - Includes Kite Line and Bag - Great Entry Level Kite

I bought a plain white kite kit and fabric paint pens.  She was so excited to design it herself.

Using her ipad, Haley found various Korean characters to incorporate in her design.

She tried to keep the design symmetrical and artistically balanced.

She wrote the Korean characters near each artistic element (i.e. Sun, Moon, Cloud, etc.).

Her final product was simple, pretty, and serene.  Now we need a “blustery day” to get this kite going!

2 thoughts on “Korea – The Kite Fighters (Sonlight Core F)

  1. What a marvelous project! Can you send the 1st picture to me to use for our PSP yearbook page?

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