Beyond FIAR

Jordan will be starting seventh grade in the fall. I wanted to choose a curriculum that would allow him to work independently. The past two years, Jordan and Parker were working in close proximity. This meant that while Jordan was primarily using Five in a Row (FIAR), he would often be a part of Parker’s Sonlight curriculum as I was reading Bible, History, and Science aloud. After much research and prayer, I felt the Lord leading us back to a full-time Five in a Row approach with him.

Though Jordan thoroughly enjoyed the roster of picture books, we both felt he was ready for the “next chapter” (pun intended). The “Beyond Five in a Row (FIAR)” program, now FIAR levels 5-7, has a wonderful list of chapter books that are perfect for getting my FIAR student on an independent study program. He was determined to start working independently in junior high and this program would provide the necessary tools to have him do so. We’re looking forward to a wonderful year ahead!