Sonlight Core B (Week 13):


Bible Memory Verse:

I created a Bible Memory verse pack for Isaiah 55:6-7.

My Memory Verse Tracer Pages (Isaiah 55:6-7)My Memory Verse Tracer Pages (Isaiah 55:6-7)

You can download your FREE copy here.  This week Parker was working on the last verse (Isaiah 55:6-7).

The first day Parker traced and illustrated his Bible verse.

The following day I cut apart his Bible verse and he glued it into his Bible lapbook.

Giving Thanks:

Since it was the week before Thanksgiving, I wanted to incorporate more books, ideas, & activities that focused on being thankful.

Two years ago, we used the Kids of Integrity Thanksgiving lesson plan for our Bible time.  It was a blessing to all of us and the kids LOVED the scarecrow kick-off craft.  We kept him for a long time, but he eventually fell apart, because he was made of paper.  I promised I would make a new scarecrow out of more durable materials.

Meet out new Mr. Scarecrow who is hanging on the door to remind us to “scare away ingratitude”.

We read several thanksgiving stories this week too!

Our “Apple Tasting Tree” got a makeover.  It’s now our “Give Thanks Tree”.  The kids write things they’re thankful for on leaf cut-outs and add them to our tree.


Around the World with Kate & Mack:

We continued lapbooking around the world with Kate and Mack.  This week we learned about the Ge heart language of China.

The boys colored the Chinese flag and added a few drawings to their lapbook.

We also read that the Sudoku game originated in China.  I printed a few copies of our I Am An Artist Sudoku game for the kids to work on.  The boys added them to their lapbooks too!


I Can Read It!:

I created two Thanksgiving Worksheets for Parker’s I Can Read It! lesson #13 this week.

Thanksgiving Fun - I Can Read It! Roll, Read, and Cover (Lesson 13)
Thanksgiving Fun I Can Read It! Lesson #13 Worksheet

You can download your FREE copy here at our TPT Store.

Parker used his dot paints to work on his Roll, Read, and Cover worksheet.

Later he read and colored the second worksheet.

Apostrophes Show Possession:

We had a lesson on apostrophes showing possession a few weeks ago, so this activity was more of a review.

First, we read Bear Says Thanks and I created a Bear Says Thanks – Apostrophes Show Possession worksheet for the boys to work on.

Using the word bank at the bottom of the page, the boys wrote in Bear’s friends names with an apostrophe to show what they brought in the story.

Story sequencing activities are a great memory building activity.

Dialogue, Quotations, & Attribution:

First we read The Falling Leaves and the Scarecrow.  Later in the day, I wrote a sample dialogue on the board and asked the boys to show where the quotation marks should go and underline the attribution.

The boys took turns identifying the quotation marks and underlining the attribution for each part of the dialogue.

I gave the boys a copy of the Scarecrow Quotations & Attribution worksheet.

They did a great job writing in the quotation marks and underlining the attribution.


Grammar Art Lesson:

Jordan was studying Turnips for his FIAR book (Down Down the Mountain), so I thought it would be fun to make this an art, grammar, & literacy activity.

First, we read The Enormous Turnip and I handed out copies of the characters to color.  The boys colored their characters and I cut them out.  They created a background scene and glued their characters into place.

Next, I challenged them to use alliteration to create a title.  They collaborated and came up with “The Terrific Turnip”.

Last, I challenged them to create a dialogue among the characters that had to include quotation marks, attribution, and a simile.

They did an awesome job!  They turned out SO colorful and I love how this activity tied in all their current grammar lessons.


I created a 3D Pumpkin Play-Doh activity to use in October, but we just ran out of time.  I brought it out to use with Parker this week.

This activity is similar to our 3D Carrots and 3D Apples.

We worked together to shape the Play-Doh into the various 3D shapes.  I had him write the names of each and place it on the tray.

Pumpkin Patch Math – Shapes:

I created a Pumpkin Patch Math Shapes worksheet a while back and printed a copy for Parker to work on.

Pumpkin Patch Math - Basic Shapes
Pumpkin Patch Math – Basic Shape Review

You can download your FREE copy here at our TPT Store.

He selected a card, looked at the shape, and circled the correct answer on the worksheet.  He did a fantastic job!


Autumn Sink or Float:

I printed a copy of our Autumn Sink/Float Worksheet and Parker selected the items he wanted to use in this experiment.

He wrote his predictions and started conducting his experiment.

He was excited to see most of his predictions were the actual result too!

We’re taking a week off for the Thanksgiving holiday.  We’ll continue with Week #14 the week after next.  We wish you a very happy and blessed Thanksgiving!

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