Sonlight Core A (Week 4)


We continued through the story of Joseph, which tied in perfectly with our FIAR The Rag Coat unit.

Parker listened to the “Letter D” verse from his Sing the Word CD, traced his Bible Memory verse using our A-G Bible Verse Tracer Pack.


This week we continued our study of the ancient Romans.  We watched several fun Roman videos from our Core A playlist.

While reading about Roman roads, I set out a building activity for the boys to work on.

They laid their trench and smoothed it out.

They added layer after layer, just like the Romans.

Then they topped their roads with flat stones.


Parker tested his road and it seems the Roman citizens are happy with his work!

Language Arts:

Parker continued his letter of the week activities.

He listened to the letter “T” songs I added to our Core A playlist and practiced writing in his HWOT workbook.


This week we created a T is for Toad character to add to his ABC Notebook.  This was another fun one!

I created a “My Produce Quilt” activity to go with the Produce lesson from our Language and Thinking book.  I printed Homeschool Creation’s Fruit and Vegetable Match cards to use for this activity.


It was so colorful and beautiful by the time he finished!

I also set up a fruit and vegetable sorting activity in our Learning Lane.  We read The Vegetables We Eat and The Fruits We Eat by Gail Gibbons.

He even picked out his own fruits and vegetables to eat at lunch time.


This week we had two science experiments.  One with soil and the other with leaf litter.


First,  Jordan and I collected soil from around the yard.

We added water, gave it a big shake, and let it sit for a couple of hours.
Then we shook it again and let it sit for several days.

You can see the plant matter on top, but the layers of clay and sand weren’t as clear.
Leaf Litter:

After Parker’s nap, we went on a walk with our garbage bag and collected leaf litter from several locations.

Skill Builders:

This week Parker was learning to paint with string.  I paired this activity with our annual Apple Tasting Tree.

I glued a construction paper tree to a white background and laid it out on the kitchen counter with a plate of red, orange, yellow, green, and brown tempura paint and string.

He and I painted it together and it turned out adorable.  I hung it up and the kids are adding apples every time we taste a new variety.

img_5185That’s it for this week!  Looking forward to week 5!


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