Sonlight Level E (Week 24)



The boys continued to memorize a segment from Martin Luther King, Jr.’s “I Have a Dream” speech.

You can download Tracee Orman’s FREEbie here from her TPT store.


World War II:

I bought the boys a World War sticker book to work on while reading through history.

Since we’re trying to catch up, the boys started working on their World War I pages.

Jordan brought out his World War II posters to look at.


Grammar Grab Bag:

I created a Loving the Rain themed Grammar Grab Bag (GGB) for this week’s language arts activities.

You can purchase your copy here at our TPT Store.


I printed the spelling cards, letter tiles, spelling mat, and coordinating worksheets.

First, Parker read his spelling rule out loud.

Next, he thought of a word that uses the rule.

Afterward, he used his spelling cards to practice his spelling words.

The next day, Parker used his spelling cards to complete his spelling sentences.

Sorting by Letter Combination:

I brought out Parker’s letter combination activity pages.

He read each word and sorted the cards, by letter combination, on the mat.

Grammar Ace:

This week, we learned about descriptive paragraphs.

I set out this week’s snowflake term to add to our “Snow Many Paragraphs” notebook page.

Parker matched the snowflake term to its “in a nutshell” definition.

We have one more sentence to cover before completing this page layout.

Creative Writing:

Idaho State Report:

Parker continued to work on his Idaho State report this week.

We read through How High Up the Mountain on our Epic app. This was a great book about mountain zones and the Rocky Mountain animals that live in each zone.

I prepared our Mountain Zones CRAFTivity ahead of time. You can purchase your copy here at our TPT Store.

As we read through the book, Parker labeled the zones and added the animals at each level. Based on what he learned, he added a paragraph about the Rocky Mountains in his state report.


President’s Day:

Jordan and I made doughnuts the night before President’s Day.

We tried two different recipes and used both a deep fryer and an air fryer. I completely LOVE the air fryer, because they’re lighter.

We had patriotic sprinkled doughnuts at breakfast.

In honor of our presidents, we also read several books about them.

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